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Are Slot Tournaments Really Good Deals?

There might be people who are skeptics and think that slot tournaments have a hitch or a hidden agenda. One thing for sure, casinos host these tournaments with at least two things in mind, first is to generate income (the obvious reason) next is to promote customer loyalty (one which benefits the customers as well).

A really good question would therefore go as "are these slot machine tournaments really good deals"? We'll address that question and see how a casino profits from hosting these tournaments and what benefits do players gain from them. The next thing we'll have to find out is if the benefits we get are really good enough for playing in these tournaments.

These tournaments are really popular events and these often give out huge prizes for the winners. Some tournaments have up to $25,000 in cash for the number one spot. Another good deal is that the players who lose wouldn't always walk away empty-handed, most of the time you get something in return for your participation.

With all that given, let's look at how a casino makes money out of hosting these tournaments. Don't ever think that casinos are completely generous enough to give that much money away without anything in return. Remember that casinos are out there as a business, and a casino really means big business.

Your average slot machine tournament will usually get around 300 or more players at one time. Now let's say the entry fee is $100, so the casino gets $ 30,000 from the entry fee alone. But the entry fee is not the only source of income from these tournaments for a casino. The gaming sessions of these tournaments will often have a few hours of free time in between. That's a lot of idle time for tournament players.

Most of the time, these players will use that extra time to have some fun using their own money to play games. Let's say one player loses $100 playing during the extra times in between the tournament sessions, that equals to more profit for the casino. Another fact you might want to consider is that players will usually bring along at least one friend to accompany them. They also get to play games and generate more money for the casino.

So, are these tournaments really good deals? To make sure that you get the most out of your money check out the prizes in store if ever you do join one. There are tournaments that give you discounted or free hotel accommodations, free food, and cocktail parties. And there are those that aren't really worth it, since not all tournaments offer the same benefits.

To really make sure you're getting the most of what you paid for, go for tournaments that offer more to participants. By doing so, you make slot tournaments really good deals for your money.
